Donate Stock

Donating stock is the most efficient way to support the Tool Library - and it’s easy!

Send us an email at hello@chicagotoollibrary.org and we’ll provide all the information you need to complete the transfer.

We’ve opened our own brokerage account to receive donations so more of your contribution goes directly to the Tool Library’s work instead of fees and middlemen.

Steps to Donate Stock

  1. Email the Tool Library and we’ll send you all the necessary info.

  2. File the donation/transfer request with your broker.

  3. CTL receives the donation.

    a. We’ll issue you a donation receipt.

    b. Per our stock receiving policy, shares will be liquidated immediately when we’re notified that the transfer is complete.

  4. Watch all the amazing work your generosity enables!


Why Donate Stock?

It’s the perfect way to realize the full value of your investments. Unlike a credit card donations, there’s no percentage removed for processing. The Tool Library only pays an insignificant fixed amount when we sell the shares.

When you donate appreciated stock, the Tool Library gets the full value of the donation because we don’t have to pay taxes on the gains. And you, as the donor, still get to deduct the full amount on your taxes.